Theta Music Trainer

Who is it for?

Theta Music Trainer is perfect for anybody who loves music and wants to understand it on a deeper level. This includes instrumentalists and singers of all ages and levels, as well as enthusiastic listeners who desire a stronger appreciation of music.

What is Musicianship?

Musicianship is the combination of skills that allow people to play, improvise and compose music by ear. It is sometimes referred to as 'musical sense' or 'having an ear for music'. Players with strong musicianship can play tunes quickly after hearing them, write down melodies and chords they hear in their head, or imagine a melodic phrase and play it instantly on their instrument. Musicianship combines ear training, knowledge of music theory, technique, intelligence and creativity. It is the key to playing by ear and becoming a better all-round musician.

The Four Areas of Musicianship

There are four fundamental areas that make up music:

  • Melody - the main tune of a song
  • Harmony - the chords that make up the accompaniment for a melody
  • Rhythm - the patterns formed by the duration of different notes in a sequence
  • Sound - the factors which produce sound quality, including brightness, reverb, distortion, etc.

Theta Music Trainer is designed to give you regular training in all four of these key areas, using a game-based approach that is both fun and effective.

Why Music Games?

Keeping up a study of music theory or ear training can be difficult. Mastering the core skills requires disciplined practice and a huge amount of repetition. Music games provide the practice you need without becoming monotonous or academic. Games inject an element of variety and fun into your practice routine and help boost your motivation. Basic musicianship skills are often best developed by working away from your instrument initially, in short bursts of concentrated practice. The games on this site are perfect for developing these skills, and are designed to provide a total workout of your musical ear and mind with as little as 10-15 minutes per day of regular playing.

The Theta Music Training Program

Each game in the Theta Music Trainer is meant to train you in a specific area of musicianship. There is something here for everyone, regardless of musical experience or ability. None of these games require that you read music or have prior training in music theory. Some of the games do have a stronger theory component than others, but they all start at a beginner level and progress gradually to more difficult levels.