Theta Music Trainer offers a great selection of play-by-ear games for guitarists, designed to sharpen aural and music theory skills, particularly those involving chords and chord progressions. You can play the first three levels of all games, record your scores and track your progress simply by creating a free account.
Ear Training and Music Theory for Guitar As a guitarist, there are certain 'ear' skills that are absolutely essential to your playing. Virtually all guitar players need some knowledge of chords and chord progressions. These games will help you identify common chords and chord patterns by ear. You will also learn the music theory behind the construction of chords and progressions.
Playing Melodies by Ear on Guitar The ability to hear simple melodies and then quickly play them back on your guitar is a powerful skill for all guitarists. The games below will train you to instantly translate melodies you hear in your mind (or played by others) into fingering patterns on the guitar fretboard.
Guitar Games for Playing Chords by Ear
Guitar Games for Playing Melodies by Ear