Second Year Band
Skills covered:
  • Read notes on the staff
  • Write notes on the staff
  • Identify note fingerings
  • Read basic rhythms
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Unit 1: Review
 1-1.  Review
Read Notes
Level 1
 1-2.  Review
Write Notes
Level 1
 1-3.  Review
Level 1
 1-4.  Read Rhythms in Common time
Read Rhythms
Level 1
 1-5.  Terms & Symbols 1
Terms & Symbols
Level 1
Unit 2: B (B3)
 2-1.  Read B
Read Notes
Level 2
 2-2.  Write B
Write Notes
Level 2
 2-3.  Fingering B
Level 2
 2-4.  Read Rhythms in 3/4
Read Rhythms
Level 2
 2-5.  Terms & Symbols 2
Terms & Symbols
Level 2
Unit 3: B (B5)
 3-1.  Read B
Read Notes
Level 3
 3-2.  Write B
Write Notes
Level 3
 3-3.  Fingering B
Level 3
 3-4.  Read Rhythms in 2/4
Read Rhythms
Level 3
 3-5.  Terms & Symbols 3
Terms & Symbols
Level 3
Unit 4: Gb (Gb4)
 4-1.  Read Gb
Read Notes
Level 4
 4-2.  Write Gb
Write Notes
Level 4
 4-3.  Fingering Gb
Level 4
 4-4.  Read Rhythms in Cut time
Read Rhythms
Level 4
 4-5.  Terms & Symbols 4
Terms & Symbols
Level 4
Unit 5: Eb (Eb4)
 5-1.  Read Eb
Read Notes
Level 5
 5-2.  Write Eb
Write Notes
Level 5
 5-3.  Fingering Eb
Level 5
 5-4.  Read Rhythms in Cut time
Read Rhythms
Level 5
 5-5.  Terms & Symbols 5
Terms & Symbols
Level 5
Unit 6: Db (Db4)
 6-1.  Read Db
Read Notes
Level 6
 6-2.  Write Db
Write Notes
Level 6
 6-3.  Fingering Db
Level 6
 6-4.  Read Rhythms in Common time
Read Rhythms
Level 6
 6-5.  Terms & Symbols 6
Terms & Symbols
Level 6
Unit 7: Review
 7-1.  Review
Read Notes
Level 7
 7-2.  Review
Write Notes
Level 7
 7-3.  Review
Level 7
 7-4.  Read Rhythms in 3/4
Read Rhythms
Level 7
 7-5.  Terms & Symbols 7
Terms & Symbols
Level 7
 7-6.  Key Signatures (Bb, Eb, Ab, C) 1
Read Key Signatures
Level 1
Unit 8: C (C4)
 8-1.  Read C
Read Notes
Level 8
 8-2.  Write C
Write Notes
Level 8
 8-3.  Fingering C
Level 8
 8-4.  Read Rhythms in 2/4
Read Rhythms
Level 8
 8-5.  Terms & Symbols 8
Terms & Symbols
Level 8
 8-6.  Key Signatures (Bb, Eb, Ab, C) 2
Read Key Signatures
Level 2
Unit 9: D (D4)
 9-1.  Read D
Read Notes
Level 9
 9-2.  Write D
Write Notes
Level 9
 9-3.  Fingering D
Level 9
 9-4.  Read Rhythms in 3/4
Read Rhythms
Level 9
 9-5.  Terms & Symbols 9
Terms & Symbols
Level 9
 9-6.  Key Signatures (Bb, Eb, Ab, C) 1
Read Key Signatures
Level 3
Unit 10: Review
 10-1.  Review
Read Notes
Level 10
 10-2.  Review
Write Notes
Level 10
 10-3.  Review
Level 10
 10-4.  Read Rhythms in 2/4
Read Rhythms
Level 10
 10-5.  Terms & Symbols 10
Terms & Symbols
Level 10
 10-6.  Key Signatures (Bb, Eb, Ab, C) 2
Read Key Signatures
Level 4
Unit 11: Review
 11-1.  Review
Read Notes
Level 11
 11-2.  Review
Write Notes
Level 11
 11-3.  Review
Level 11
 11-4.  Read Rhythms in 6/8
Read Rhythms
Level 11
 11-5.  Terms & Symbols 11
Terms & Symbols
Level 11
 11-6.  Key Signatures (Bb, Eb, Ab, C) 1
Read Key Signatures
Level 5
Unit 12: Review
 12-1.  Review
Read Notes
Level 12
 12-2.  Review
Write Notes
Level 12
 12-3.  Review
Level 12
 12-4.  Read Rhythms in 6/8
Read Rhythms
Level 12
 12-5.  Terms & Symbols 12
Terms & Symbols
Level 12
 12-6.  Key Signatures (Bb, Eb, Ab, C) 2
Read Key Signatures
Level 6