

Complete Course for Beginning Band Students!

  • Adapted for each instrument
  • Aligns with method books
  • Fast-paced and fun

Complete Course for Beginning Orchestra Students!

  • Adapted for each instrument
  • Aligns with method books
  • Fast-paced and fun
Схватка фэйдеров
Identify the instrument that is loudest in the mix.
Пара инструментов
Determine which instruments are playing together.
Подходящий микс
Adjust equalizer settings to match the target sound.
Блеск эффектов
Recognize common effects such as delay, chorus and compression.
Блеск стилей (барабаны)
Test your knowledge of music notation markings for tempo, expression and dynamics.
Сравнить звуки
Compare two pitches played on different instruments.
Выше или ниже
Quickly compare several pitches in succession.
Братья Данго
Find the notes that are off and tune them to the correct pitch.
Вокальная пара
Match the target pitch with your voice.
Блеск ритмов
Match the rhythm pattern you hear to its correct notation.
Ритмические пазлы
Identify simple rhythm patterns by ear to complete a puzzle.
Блеск стилей (барабаны)
Learn to recognize drum patterns in various rhythmic styles such as shuffles and ballads.
Чтение ритма
Quickly recognize and play back rhythm patterns written in standard music notation.
Чтение ритма
Listen to a melody, then tap with the rhythm.
Найти тонику
Listen to a music clip and determine the key.
Flash Notation (Reading Notes)
Quickly identify individual notes in standard music notation.
Пазлы тональностей
Learn the Circle of Fifths and relative major/minor keys.
Нотный лазер
Match numbers with tones and chords for common major and minor keys.

Отбить ноты
Identify the scale tones found in most popular music.
Падающие ноты
Learn to quickly recognize scale tones played on different instruments.
Тональная память
Test your musical memory.
Вокальные ступени (мажор)
Sing the same scale degree in different major keys.
Вокальные ступени (минор)
Sing the same scale degree in different minor keys.
Блеск нот
Identify scale degrees quickly and match them to tone names in different keys.
Мелодические капли
Identify common melodic intervals.
Гармонические капли
Identify common harmonic intervals.
Блеск интервалов (мел.)
Learn to quickly recognize melodic intervals played on different instruments.
Блеск интервалов (гарм.)
Learn to quickly recognize harmonic intervals played on different instruments.
Три ноты (мажор)
Play back simple melodic intervals such as seconds and thirds in major keys.
Три ноты (минор)
Play back simple melodic intervals such as seconds and thirds in minor keys.
Блеск нотации (интервалы)
Quickly identify intervals by sight when written in standard music notation.
Фразы попугаев
Play back melodies by ear on a piano keyboard.
Три ноты (мажор)
Play back simple 3-note melodic patterns by ear in major keys.
Три ноты (минор)
Play back simple 3-note melodic patterns by ear in minor keys.
Больше нот (мажор)
Play back longer melodic patterns by ear in major keys.
Больше нот (минор)
Play back longer melodic patterns by ear in minor keys.
Вокальные ступени (повтор)
Listen to a short melody and sing it back.
Падающие аккорды
Quickly recognize chord functions by ear.
Блеск аккордов
Identify common chords within a key.
Нотное дерево
Find the individual tones that make up different chords.
Соберите фразу
Connect different major and minor arpeggios with their associated chords.
Быстрые аккорды
Quickly determine the quality and inversion of a chord by ear.
Flash Chords (Quality)
Identify chord quality (major, minor, etc.) by ear.
Блеск нотации (аккорды)
Quickly identify chords by sight when written in standard music notation.
Правописание аккордов
Spell common chords within a key by naming the individual tones that make up the chord.
Сейф с аккордами
Determine the function quality and inversion of chords within the same key.

Аккорды в колонках
Identify the common chord patterns and progressions found in popular music.
Блеск последовательностей (мажор)
Recognize common major chord patterns (including inversions) when played in 3-part harmony.
Блеск последовательностей (минор)
Recognize common minor chord patterns (including inversions) when played in 3-part harmony.
Flash Cadences
Listen to a set of ending chords and determine the type of cadence.